The Grenada Sustainable Development Trust Fund Inc.
Our Foundation
The Grenada Sustainable Development Trust Fund (GSDTF) was founded in 2016 by the Government of Grenada, Community and Private sector to meet the goals of the Caribbean Challenge Initiative (CCI) and other international and regional commitments; that is to provide reliable, long-term funding to support the conservation and effective management of coastal, marine and terrestrial ecosystem and sustainable development activities in Grenada Carriacou and Petit Martinique.

Our Vision
Promoting economic and human development through conservation of our natural systems
Our Mission
To provide sustainable funding for the environmental conservation and management

Our Core Values
The GSDTF is committed to openness in its operations and in awarding grants. To this end, the Fund will develop and implement effective monitoring,
evaluation and learning mechanisms and share these with Grantees and other relevant stakeholders to ensure transparency in all its actions and decisions.
The GSDTF is accountable for all actions and decisions to its constituents.
The GSDTF Board and staff members will operate with honesty, applying strong moral principles, acting with fairness in all activities and keeping in its integrity under all circumstances.
The GSDTF will partner with all relevant stakeholders whose mission/purpose is aligned to that of the GSDTF (communities’ groups, non-governmental
organizations (NGOs), academia, government agencies and the private sector) to achieve its general objectives.
The GSDTF will work towards and in support of the conservation and sustainability of Grenada’s ecosystems and species. The Fund will also work to uphold these values in their internal operations and will always promote environmentally sustainable practices.
The GSDTF is committed to education (in conservation and management of natural resources) through initiatives that are focused both on its own team development and also on other partners and individuals and will work to implement and replicate best practices from conservation trust funds throughout its activities.
Purpose and objectives

- Foster, encourage and promote the conservation, protection and maintenance of the biodiversity of the terrestrial and marine environment
- Promote climate change mitigation and adaptation activities
- Determine endowment spending policies;
- Solicit, collect and otherwise raise monies for charitable philanthropic and or other public purposes as aligned
- Hold, manage, invest, distribute and dispose of the Fund’s assets for the benefit and advancement of the purpose set forth in subparagraph (a) above, as established in the Articles of Incorporation and By-laws
- Engage in and carry out other activities in any manner connected with or incidental to, or calculated to promote, assist, aide or accomplish any of the abovementioned purposes (collectively, the GSDTF’s General Purpose)