Grenada Sustainable Development Trust Fund Inc.

Proposal Template

This template is to be used by applicants whose Concept Notes have been approved and have been invited to prepare a full proposal for further evaluation. Information that was already provided in the Concept Notes may be repeated and expanded in the proposal. Applicants must complete the template in full, not exceeding the prescribed length of each section. Use letter-sized paper, 1-inch margins, Times New Romans font size 12. Applications that are incomplete or exceed the page limit and annex limit will be rejected. The following documents are required to be submitted with the full project proposal:
  1.  A signed declaration by the applicant organization on an appropriate letterhead, including the following: “I, the undersigned being the person responsible in the Applicant’s organization for the proposed Project, do hereby certify that the information given is true and correct at the time of submission.”, with signature, name, position, place, date.
  2.  Applicant organization bylaws or equivalent
  3.  Applicant organization list of Board members
  4.  Applicant organization institutional structure
  5.  In case of consortia, all members must submit a signed declaration on appropriate letterhead, including the following:
    “We have read and approved the content of this application to the GSDTF and agree to comply with the roles and responsibilities detailed in this project proposal”, with signature, name, position, place, date.


Rated from 1-5

applicant organization and the proposed project align with the GSDTF’s vision: “Grenada’s biodiversity, natural resources, and human and ecological communities are resilient and healthy”

the proposal provides sufficient evidence that the applicant organization is trying to address conservation and/or environmental issues that are of high priority to the country, regionally, and internationally

proposal provides sufficient evidence that the applicant organization has experience with the intervention proposed

proposal is clear about how the applicant organization will deliver the expected results and outcomes

Rated from 1-5

title of the project provides adequate information about the project without being too lengthy or complicated

title is specific to the project

project summary explains why the project is important and briefly describes the goals/objectives and strategies

background section establishes the context and describes the relationship between the applicant organization’s mission and the proposed project

description of the problem is clearly defined; it describes the causes of the problem; and explains the long-term effects of the problem without the intervention(s) proposed by the project

proposal demonstrates a clear understanding of the thematic area

activities identified in the proposal are sufficient or too extensive to achieve the proposed outcomes and within the proposed budget

proposal demonstrates that the proposed project addresses an important problem and that the best practices and lessons learned will contribute towards increasing the knowledge of the thematic area

overall purpose of the Project is clearly defined and is reflective of the applicant organization’s goals

there is a clear connection between how the problem will be solved and goals of the proposed project

proposal defines how success will be measured

proposal reflects realistic expectations in terms of activities identified, time frame for completion of activities and budget

proposal thoroughly identifies all the activities, and only the activities, necessary to achieve the objectives of the proposed project

proposal describes innovative methods for solving the problem

proposal describes activities for monitoring the project and for documenting lessons learned and best practices

activities are costed realistically and/or the proposal presents justification for the costs

proposal reflects accurate calculations

proposal describes matching funds – in kind or cash

Proposal contains amounts for unexplained purposes (i.e., miscellaneous)

Theory of Change expressed in the Log Frame clearly reflects the relationship in the intervention logic

Log Frame identifies how success will be measured (OVIs)

Project describes aspects of project oversight and management

proposal provides information on how the project will continue beyond the grant cycle, if applicable

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