Organisation: L.V.P. Trading Inc
Type of Organization: Corporation
Established: January 2020
Location: Morne Gazo, Perdmontemps St. David’s
Grant Awarded: US $ 35,000.00
Duration: 12 Months
Email Address: [email protected]
Project Team: Mr. Linton Pierre (Project Lead – Mr. Aaron Young (Tech Support) – Ms. Denikka DeCoteau (Admin)
Morne Gazo Nature Reserve Revitalization Project focuses on the refurbishment of 1. A nature-friendly rails and trails, 2. Constructing a lookout summit platform and 3. An information centre. There is also a capacity building element which includes training of persons (both males and females) from the community of Morne Gazo, St. David as Tour Guides who will be equipped to share valuable information and insights into the history of the surroundings.
Overall, this project contributes to terrestrial conservation, branded eco-tourism products and sustainable livelihood.
The natural mountain trail is roughly 1,140ft, locals. Both nationals and international visitors will experience the aesthetically pleasing tour culminating at its peak at the Look-Out Summit.
Upon completion of the tour, a relaxing restaurant and bar awaits which offers a taste of the local cuisine.
Financial Sustainability
In order to sustain this development post-project funding, L.V.P Trading Inc. will implement a fee collection mechanism. The fees collected will be re-invested toward the maintenance of all project implementation activities i.e., rails, trails, a lookout summit and visitors center.
This project paves the way for similar undertakings throughout the tri-Island state of Grenada to adopt and or adapt, in an effort to develop and conserve terrestrial sites to increase visitors’ interest.