Assessing Marine Protected Areas in Grenada: Biophysical & Governance Insights

Organization: Grenada Coral Reef Foundation (GCRF)

Type of Organization:  NonGovernmental Organization

Establishment: 2014

Location: Le Marquis Complex, St. George

Amount Awarded: US$ 55,000

Duration: 12 months

Project Team: Project Lead, Mr. Roland Baldeo | Technical Support, Dr. Stephen Nimrod, Mr. Denzel Adams

Administrative Support: Ms Wendy Frederick


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Empowering Fisherfolks to Develop their Product for Alternative Markets

This project is geared toward sustainable livelihood development by utilizing solar drying technology. With the abundance of fish in and out of the peak season, the cooperative is introducing this drying technology as the first step, followed by salting to increase shelf life. The process also increases the value added to the fish for marketability. The Co-operative’s main objective is to meet the needs of the Fisherfolks in the community, by empowering them (males and females) in fish processing for local and international markets.  Food safety training, procurement of a commercial solar dehydrator and weighing, packaging and labelling materials are some of the items that are paramount to executing the project initiative.

Revitalization of the Morne Gazo Nature Reserve

Morne Gazo Nature Reserve Revitalization Project focuses on the refurbishment of 1. A nature-friendly rails and trails, 2. Constructing a lookout summit platform and 3. An information centre. There is also a capacity building element which includes training of persons (both males and females) from the community of Morne Gazo, St. David as Tour Guides who will be equipped to share valuable information and insights into the history of the surroundings.


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